Shanna Martin guest blogger_no pic

Water…Have you ever thought about how much we rely on water? Each and every day, I use water to: brush my teeth, make coffee, wash my face and shower/bathe, different types of cooking and baking, washing our clothing; farmers need water for their crops to grow so that we have fruit,vegetables, grain; our yards need water to flourish.

71% of the earth’s surface is water. Oceans hold 96.5% of the earth’s water. 60% of our body is made up of water! Blood is 92% water. Our brains and muscles are 75% water. They say we can go about a month without any food, but we can only survive for 1 week without water!

Without water, we can become dehydrated and there is a litany of side effects that come from dehydration: dizziness/feeling faint, dry mouth, sleepiness, irritability, confusion, dry skin, constipation, etc.

Water is mentioned more than 700 times in the bible-that is pretty significant.

  • Jesus walked on water-Matthew 14:22-33…He wanted to teach the doubters to have more faith
  • Jesus turned water into wine for a wedding…John 2:1-11…This miracle showed His glory and proves the best truly does come in the end
  • Jesus washed the disciples feet…John 13:4-17….Jesus wants them..and us…to understand that no one is too good to serve others and that once their feet are washed by Him, they are truly clean
  • Jesus is baptized by John…John 3:13-17….This proved that Jesus approved of John’s own baptism…that is was from God and that we can exchange sin for righteousness when we ourselves are baptized
  • Moses has his life spared by being placed in a basket as a baby and floats down the river to a new life…Exodus 2:1-10…Moses becomes a great leader and brings the Israelites out of bondage
  • Moses parts the Red Sea…Exodus 14:21-31…with God we are saved from Satan and death and sin
  • Jesus has an encounter with a Samaritan woman (or “the woman at the well”)…John 4:7-26…He proves that He is the Messiah and that anyone that drinks the water that He provides will never thirst again…WE NEED HIM!

Jordan Feliz has a song called “The River”…his lyrics are refreshing-

I know a place where we can go
To lay the troubles down eating your soul
I know a place where mercy flows
Take the stains make you whiter than snow

Like a tide, it is rising up deep inside a current that moves and makes you come alive
Living water that brings the dead to life, oh-oh-oh-oh

We’re going down to the river
Down to the river, down to the river to pray
Let’s get washed by the water
Washed by the water and rise up in amazing grace
Let’s go down, down, down to the river (You will leave changed)

Jesus is the living water and He can wash us and make us come alive….

I was at a women’s church retreat a week ago, and our speaker, Debbie Street Childers, spoke about Joshua and the crossing of the Jordan River; she said that the rocks in the water were smoother than the rocks that were not in contact with the water. HE makes us smoother and more refined….our ragged and rough edges are made better simply by being immersed in Him!! I don’t know about you, but I can’t imagine my life without water for a week, but I definitely cannot fathom even one day without HIM…the living water!!

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