Simplicity in Perspective

You know the adage about perspective…how we either see the glass as half full or half empty?  Our perspective is so important to our walk with the Lord. It can dictate whether we look at the day in front of us with peace, or anxiety…with dread and anger, or excitement and adventure.

Each day, when we rise, we can control our perspective. As moms, our rising can be filled with unexpected demands or rote ritual. But, remember, it doesn’t have to be an hour long quiet time, or a fervent prayer session on our knees (though those are beneficial as well). Our heavenly Father doesn’t qualify our time in that way.

A simple few moments of fixing our eyes on Jesus, and on His loving invitation to rest in Him, can be the reminder that we need to remember that, indeed, our glasses are full, and if we’re willing, can be overflowing with His living water. In those moments, when we hand our burdens and fears over to Him, we can choose to look at the day from His perspective, one of bountiful power, merciful grace, and love on a mission.

The LORD’S loving kindnesses indeed never cease, For His compassions never fail. They are new every morning; Great is Your faithfulness.  –Lamentations 3:22-23